oh hey there.

I'm Kate, aka the Exploress. I'm a writer, editor, and teacher who loves many things, including: hugging trees, climbing mountains, strong vintage cocktails, 1920s sparkle, learning new things, ladies' nights, reading, old houses, and anything that makes me feel like I'm traveling through time. 

When I’m not in my recording booth, I’m writing Young Adult novels. My debut, Nightbirds, is out now! It’s a 1920s-tinted fantasy full of glamor and intrigue and, of course, powerful girls. You can learn more about it and my fiction writing over at my author website. I’ve also launched a new podcast with my author friend, Amie Kaufman, that takes readers behind the scenes on both our novels: it’s called Pub Dates.

I live in Melbourne, Australia, but am originally from around Washington, D.C. 
